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  • Member since Oct 25th 2017
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  • Lothaletrus -

    Liked Alan207’s post in the thread Photos vehicles from early game development.

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    Photos of machines and vehicles that used to be found in the game files. Admittedly, they are in low resolution, because the game was being developed all the time, but thanks to this we know what machines might have appeared in the game.
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Photos vehicles from early game development.

    Thanks for adding these photos, it proves what MBB was still planning. What is a nice surprise is the new John Deere brand as well as the older Krone trailer (they were not even on the brand list). As for the Claas Xerion 5000, it was supposed to be as…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread CNC at the Lemken Press Days.

    Coming back to this thread from the Lemken presentation from 4 years ago. Looking at what has been presented (a few more photos here), for example Lemken Rubin 10, which has not been released for the game at all.. but it is shown on the already updated
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Community project Cattle and Crops.

    I don't know much about the mechanics of the industry (at all). But, as for the beginning, I would set a fixed price for a product that already has potential in its class (promotions would be there when needed). However, I would prefer that somehow we…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Community project Cattle and Crops.

    I just hope the multiplayer will be finished and will be released later this year, I know it will be difficult to do "self work" but the game in this state will be driven to something new. Unfortunately, I hope that the game will be continued in some way…
  • I understand the whole situation that was triggered by nature, but I don't understand why the game is so lacking in content that everything has to be referenced. Rather than informing the community, most are ignored. Unfortunately, I am slightly…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Liked masterbrain’s post in the thread Soil update v1.3.0.6 (22 Mar. 2021).

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    forum.cattleandcrops.com/attac…09a8425a768cc1ae90a97ba59 With today's update, we are introducing a new soil system. Roughly summarized, fields now have different soil types that have different effects and must be worked with the appropriate machines…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Soil update v1.3.0.6 (22 Mar. 2021).

    Great update! Now it would be useful to fix the character animation and ordering the character to the pedals and steering wheel, because the current character does not match the game itself. :) Either way, it looks forward to more great ideas. They can…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Statusupdate 29.01.2021.

    Quote from caedes: “Instancing by itself has nothing to do with multicore CPUs. However, most of the work for updating the vegetation around the player will be done in a thread (so it'll use one additional core). In my tests currently the performance…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Statusupdate 29.01.2021.

    Quote from TheCoCe: “Die Auslieferung eines vollständigen funktionierenden Vulkan Renderers seitens Threathon spricht glaube ich aktuell dagegen. ” So, why plan Vulkan Renderer when grouping the vegetation has produced pretty good results for you?…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Statusupdate 29.01.2021.

    Quote from Hummel: “Das Update auf den Vulkan-Renderer wird es möglicherweise nicht mehr geben. ” Hopefully you won't abandon this rendering by Vulkan though, as it would have more support and relevance to the game itself, just because it would…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Liked Hummel’s post in the thread Developer Livestream Mittwoch 27.01 ~19h.

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    Hallo Leute, zunächst einmal von mir ganz offiziell: Ein Frohes Neues Jahr - ich hoffe ihr seid alle gut reingekommen. Ich werde morgen ab 19h mal wieder einen kleinen Developer Livestream starten, ein paar Neuigkeiten verkünden, vielleicht ein paar…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Liked DannyA4’s post in the thread Was ist euer nächstes heiß erwartetes "Big Thing" in CNC?.

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    Hallo Community! Mich würde interessieren, was für euch das nächste neue "Big Thing" in CNC wird? Für die "kleineren" Sachen haben wir ja bereits den Ideen/Vorschläge-Thread. Stimmt ab, es dürfen bis zu zwei Sachen angekreuzt werden.
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Graphic Settings Question.

    Upcoming update that will improve performance (in the first phase). As for the settings, I recommend setting it to medium and turning on vertical sync. By the way, the new engine, which is to increase efficiency, has multi-threading, you have to wait…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Stream Feedback.

    Pushing silage in silos, I wouldn't say it will stay that way (it's probably in beta phase). Other features that are implemented show a different preview of how the game is changing. Let us remember that this year was not easy, it limited public traffic…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Liked l0lhunt3r’s post in the thread Update v1.0.2.6 30.10.2020.

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    Leider kein getriebe fix bzw eine änderung ;( beim headtracking würde ich mir eine option zur deaktivierung der maus kamerabewegung wünschen da ich die bewegung der kamera mit der Maus obwohl headtracking aktiv ist immernoch machen kann. aber sehr…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Posted the thread [Suggestion] Radial Menu.

    Would be able to scale the radial menu from its current size. I understand that it should be readable in the message, but in my opinion it takes up quite a lot of the screen. I will be grateful for the positive consideration of my suggestion.
  • Lothaletrus -

    Posted the thread Integration in switches.

    It would be nice if you could approach the switch and turn it on/off.
  • Lothaletrus -

    Liked DREHKICK’s post in the thread Statusupdate 28.09.2020 - Release Datum.

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    Moinsen, cooles und ehrliches Statement! Gefällt mir. Ich bin nun glaube ich auch seit Mitte 2016 dabei und fast seit Tag 1 hier im Forum angemeldet. Ich war nie so der extrem Aktive, aber ich habe regelmäßig mal reingeguckt und etwas gelesen. 4…
  • Lothaletrus -

    Replied to the thread Status Update 28. Sep. 2020 - Release Date.

    People who look at future farming games this way, knowing from the very beginning that from the very beginning it was a small group just starting their work in the field of creating a game under realism (from scratch). So now people are starting to…