
KS silver
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  • Member since Jan 28th 2017
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  • yeray142 -

    Liked FleXible353’s post in the thread Your questions #5.

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    There will be an improvent on tractor sound? What can you do for a performance increase?
  • yeray142 -

    Replied to the thread Your questions #5.

    Before version 1.0, will there be any other maps apart from Albergtal? Or will you just improve this map?
  • yeray142 -

    Liked gheazu’s post in the thread Your questions #5.

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    My Question is simple how about performance and quality of game (steering wheel proper integration, gearbox and Physics)
  • yeray142 -

    Replied to the thread Corn Chopping Bugfix Release v0. - Changelog.

    Wenn ich in das Spiel eintrete, kann ich keine Menüs mehr bewegen oder öffnen. Ich habe versucht, das Spiel neu zu installieren und es passiert mir immer wieder. Was ist das Problem? Wie haben Sie es gelöst? In Versionen vor 1.9.4 war das nicht der Fall.
  • yeray142 -

    Replied to the thread Corn Chopping Bugfix Release v0. - Changelog.

    When I enter the game I can't move or open any menus. I tried reinstalling the game and it keeps happening to me. What's the problem? How did you solve it? It didn't happen in versions prior to 1.9.4.