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  • Member since May 9th 2017
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  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread FPS Thread.

    Quote from Dylan81: “Well, I tried to set mentioned values of mmmBetty's post, but unfortunatelly no change of fps value (still 18-25fps even at medium settings). :( It confirms me, that unfortunatelly there is something wrong with AMD cards. Maybe bad…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread FPS Thread.

    Quote from Dylan81: “Looks mates with 4GB GDDR cards especially Nvidia reaches better FPS for now. I have AMD ASUS R9 280X 3GB GDDR. I'm reaching around 25 FPS with mentioned Jeytav's settings at day and 26-30 FPS at night (depends on if lights are…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread FPS Thread.

    If your on AMD, I'd recommend turning down the Tesselation Detail first, as AMD cards may struggle with this if it's NVIDIA GameWorks (it seems like it could be comparing the FPS between simillar cards). Shadow Quality is also a huge demand, after that,…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from Jeytav: “Guys, this is tech demo 0.0.8, it might say 0.1.4 but it is 0.0.8. 0.1.0 will be the initial release of EA and 0.1.4 just means they are at patch 0.1.4 in the EA version. The tech demo is still only at 0.0.8. ca19b73d7b.png It…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from sparangao: “Hello. Very bad framerate. MY graphic card is gtx770 . I'm very disappointed, I can not spend the money to buy a new computer I hope the final version is better ” It's not your computer, don't worry. It's the game. They know,…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Known Cattle and Crops Bugs And Their Fixes.

    Quote from Sterbo: “I have a gtx980ti and when I raise the vegetation the fps fall from 60 to 45 and the card is in use only 45% Do not speed limit automatly when the tool is lowered ” Yeah the game just doesn't use 100% GPU or 100% CPU or anything…
  • Narod -

    Liked S1989F’s post in the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

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    Hallo und guten Abend Auch ich möchte nun meinen Dank an das Entwickler Team richten die dieses Großprojekt so gut meistern und auch in schwierigen Situationen immer einen kühlen Kopf bewahrt haben um ein für uns alle zufriedenstellendes Ergebnis zu…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from FleXible353: “Quote from MichaelDS: “Graphical problems is also a issue have no pictures but some players are having grey screening ” The grey screen is a issue with a background program, i had the issue and msi afterburner was open,…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Known Cattle and Crops Bugs And Their Fixes.

    Yeah AMD GPU's require the latest drivers
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from Schatz: “Hi, habs jetzt zum laufen gebracht. Download hat funktioniert, durch ändern des Passworts konnte ich das Spiel jetzt auch laden. Leider kann ich das Spiel nicht in Fullscreen starten. Habe folgende System-Settings: Radeon…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread help!?.

    Quote from MadCat71: “Well, @Narod Sorry you see it this way. But I don't see the point that you instruct people to circumvent the license function or that you put a torrent up. If you had read me post right it was " before you get in over your head".…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread help!?.

    Quote from ChiloopaBatman: “Quote from Narod: “This was exactly what I was doing, there was no malicious intent or anything like that. I understood that what I was doing was on the 'very fine line' of what is right and wrong. It is indeed a server…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread help!?.

    Quote from mmmBetty: “Whilst I agree hosting a torrent of a game is bad, in his case I believe it was done in good faith and no malice was involved in the decision. It was done for the many people who had the Google error and launchpad…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread help!?.

    Quote from Maciej: “Quote from Narod: “My website does now give a .torrent file for the game files and a .zip of it is also being uploaded. ” Do you have read carefully license after first launch or just clicked it to let you go? ” Unsure on what…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from ChiloopaBatman: “Quote from Narod: “Launcher is open-sourced, if anything they are breaking the law by grabbing it and closing the source ;) ” Doesn't matter, it's the IP of MBB and unless they have given their consent for others to copy…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Probleme beim Runterladen.

    Quote from Snic: “I would also appreciate the zip because I can not load it either ... ”
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from Blade5287: “Quote from Colby: “Evening, unfortunately I can not install the launcher. I get this message when I click on the link: "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. <Error> <Code> Account…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from ChiloopaBatman: “I pretty convinced that mirroring the official launcher is a copy right infringement and could mean legal action from MBB. ” Launcher is open-sourced, if anything they are breaking the law by grabbing it and closing the source ;)
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from Senex1973: “Hallo. Ich habe im Moment auch das Problem das der Launcher sofort abstürzt. Wenn man dann mal in die Launchpad.log reinschaut steht da unter anderem folgendes... Failed to download the remote file at…
  • Narod -

    Replied to the thread help!?.

    Quote from Facerafter: “Quote from Narod: “Quote from Facerafter: “Quote from Narod: “Quote from Blackwidows: “…ea74a9571fe9625d8fcfac3cf anyone? ” Regardless, just visit my site and follow the third link ” That still…