
  • Male
  • Member since Mar 13th 2017
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  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Where is the "import" folder?.

    Right.. Thanks :)
  • OlaHaldor -

    Posted the thread Where is the "import" folder?.

    I want to see what my model will look like in the editor, but I'm not able to figure out where the import folder is. In the installation folder I see this folder structure (Game\Win64\Assets\Data\Mods), which I would guess is the correct place, but there…
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Controls (key combinations and gamepads).

    Aah.. It needs some work to make it intuitive then.
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Controls (key combinations and gamepads).

    I have checked the controls, and the only thing I found relevant to this is FOV, which isn't exactly what I'm looking for. Field Of View will only make the camera zoom more or less (wide angle vs. tele zoom), but I can't move the camera further away from…
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Controls (key combinations and gamepads).

    I've completely destroyed the default controls in an effort to make the game work for me, not the other way around - but now I'm at a point I'd like to reset to default. Would be REALLY nice to have a "reset to default" option.
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Cultivating mission 100% bug?.

    I looked through the options because that "COMPLETE" text looks like a button. Turns out, you need to map a button to "release mouse" so you can see the mouse cursor, and then click the COMPLETE manually. Frustrating if you're on a laptop. Many laptops…
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Controls (key combinations and gamepads).

    I tried using my XBOX gamepad. I'm unable to map right/left to the same stick (positive and negative values on the same axis). It will only map to one of the directions. It's also a bit weird you need to use the same controls to both drive and walk. The…
  • OlaHaldor -

    Posted the thread Controls (key combinations and gamepads).

    At some point you're going to run out of single keys to map. Combining SHIFT, CTRL or ALT with each other and with a normal key is necessary for optimal user experience. As of now, only one key can be mapped, so if I want to use SHIFT+F for something,…
  • OlaHaldor -

    Posted the thread Cultivating mission 100% bug?.

    I have cultivated everything. I've run over the field over and over again in case I missed something. I simply can't fill the progress bar 100%. Very annoying!forum.cattleandcrops.com/attac…b9b11e660f498452f9415ac53
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Are you getting MBB launcher or steam key - Poll.

    I don't see how Steam restricts the availability of mods.
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Are you getting MBB launcher or steam key - Poll.

    Quote from Jack: “When I look at FS17 I have 375 mods and that is not possible at steam. ” Interesting statement. Why is that?
  • OlaHaldor -

    Liked masterbrain’s post in the thread Impressions from our "Default Map".

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    According to the summer weather we want to present to you two landscape images from our default map. We wish you a nice and sunny weekend! thumb_25_a5_07.jpg thumb_25_a5_03.jpg
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Are you getting MBB launcher or steam key - Poll.

    I want the game on Steam. Easier to maintain for me. Wherever I go, the game goes.
  • OlaHaldor -

    Liked b101uk’s post in the thread Your thoughts on multiplayer..

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    one thing dedicated servers need is a page you can edit in-game which you can set out basic work orders which is accessible to read by everyone who joins, so people who e.g. have the password for the server if they join and there is no decision making…
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Downloadservertest.

    Yeah that's what I mean. But I don't see why they'd say it that way instead of just saying "June 9th we'll run the test". :P
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Downloadservertest.

    I interpret that as the test being run "a week from the (this) Friday" which is the 9th.
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Your thoughts on multiplayer..

    I most likely will play with friends I know thoroughly ( don't take it personal, community ), thus it would be great to have a shared bank account for the farm instead of a split account per person participating in the session. With a shared account,…
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread Downloadservertest.

    I wonder how long the test will be available. I'm away on a business trip until the evening that day.
  • OlaHaldor -

    Replied to the thread IDEAS and WISHES for the game.

    An alternative timeline! Tractors and equipment are not available to buy from day 1, but as you play and time progress, you get an in-game email or brochure in the mailbox about new equipment that have become available, and is on sale for a limited…
  • OlaHaldor -

    Liked Celciur’s post in the thread IDEAS and WISHES for the game.

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    Thank you, @ChiloopaBatman! :) It will definitely someone to clarify the list to translate, as I am optimistic. :thumbsup: We are ONE community, even if we speak different languages. :thumbup: Greetings - Cel