Grass Bales not getting pushed out

  • Grass Bales not getting pushed out

    Bug is where bale gets finished and approaches end of the ramp ready to drop and then just freezes new bale keeps being pushed in to the one that is stuck...and then after a while either when 2nd one or even 3rd one gets finished they pop out all together. stacked on each other
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    The post was edited 1 time, last by newbienearcologne: Schlussstrich. Folgende Gründe für die Löschung der Beiträge: Wenn andere User immer wieder meinen Sie können über andere urteilen, wie zum Beispiel zu sagen dies ist kleinkartiertes Denken, oder sie sind Nörgler, und dies auch noch von Moderatoren gelobt bzw. durch likes unterstützt wird, dann ist es nicht mehr sinnvoll das Forum zu unterstützen. Ein weiterer Grund ist die Aussage mir gegenüber „Du muss das auch nicht verstehen.“, dies von einem Moderator wo es um eine Spielmechanik ging. Und zu guter letzt wurde jüngst wieder ein Post gelöscht ohne PN an mich. Andere können beleidigen oder über Personen urteilen, wenn man dies dann kritisiert, wird der eigene Post gelöscht. Sorry aber so werde ich es nicht mehr unterstützen. ().

  • D.Jankovic wrote:

    Bug is where bale gets finished and approaches end of the ramp ready to drop and then just freezes new bale keeps being pushed in to the one that is stuck...and then after a while either when 2nd one or even 3rd one gets finished they pop out all together. stacked on each other

    can confirm what you said. Bales stuck into each other:

    In the second new mission the bales drop directly to the bottom under the machine after they finished. Didn‘t try it again because I had several failures in the new missions and I was not satisfied to have this so shortly after I can test it. Not sure if this problem occur only for me. Maybe soon we would know it if it is only a failure for me or for all.

    I can not directly confirm this. As you can see the bale slipped down to the site but not below the machine.

  • D.Jankovic wrote:

    Bug is where bale gets finished and approaches end of the ramp ready to drop and then just freezes new bale keeps being pushed in to the one that is stuck...and then after a while either when 2nd one or even 3rd one gets finished they pop out all together. stacked on each other

    did you have this bug on latest I am not sure if I had this issue because when I am driving I am not always looking at the bales. In latest version there were several Quadrant bugfixes - perhaps this was on of the fixes?
