
KS silver
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  • Member since Jan 28th 2017
Last Activity
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Cattle and Crops Alpha Tech-Demo Patch v0.0.8.1.

    Quote from FarmerDan: “1. If you haven't already bought the tractor and cultivator you can do so by doing the quest "Tutorial #01" or you can go to the Vehicle menu by pressing "F1" and buy the tractor, cultivator and weight. 2. If you haven't already…
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Cattle and Crops Alpha Tech-Demo Patch v0.0.8.1.

    Quote from FleXible353: “Quote from taigcris: “The AI is broken, It leaves huge pieces without working, It starts to spin on its own axis, it stops without finishing the work and you have to move the tractor a little so that it continues ... Samples…
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Known Cattle and Crops Bugs And Their Fixes.

    Quote from Narod: “Quote from Sterbo: “I have a gtx980ti and when I raise the vegetation the fps fall from 60 to 45 and the card is in use only 45% Do not speed limit automatly when the tool is lowered ” Yeah the game just doesn't use 100% GPU or…
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Known Cattle and Crops Bugs And Their Fixes.

    I have a gtx980ti and when I raise the vegetation the fps fall from 60 to 45 and the card is in use only 45% Do not speed limit automatly when the tool is lowered
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Tech Demo Release v0.0.8.

    Quote from niklasohlsson: “Bene che intensificato rapidamente! 8 | 19096092_10155125615905210_348825512_o.jpg Sul mio volante il pedale del freno è l'acceleratore e l'acceleratore è il freno. :S Gli altri trattori dell'immagine sta guidando intorno i…
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Known Cattle and Crops Bugs And Their Fixes.

    Ho un gtx980ti e quando alzo la vegetazione i fps cadere da 60 a 45 e la scheda è in uso solo il 45% Non limite di velocità automatly quando l'utensile è abbassato
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Servertest.

    Quote from Vorrrace: “Quote from Denut: “you right but how to send it to devs ” I'm not sure how they plan to gather feedbacks and bug report. Do we have to post in support forum or? I'm not sure. But it's obvious it's compatiblity issue. ” I…
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Servertest.

    Just do I have automatic gas limit when it starts to grow? And stops when I raise the tool?
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Servertest.

    I'm downloading now, but my email has not arrived ... I start afraid that when it's time to have Steam go, it will not come
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Servertest.

    Hope to receive the email. Because I have not received emails on news etc
  • Sterbo -

    Liked masterbrain’s post in the thread Servertest.

    Like (Post)
    - thumb_25_cnc_tech_demo.png Servertest: We’re currently in the process of preparing everything; starting from about (!) 8pm CET (7pm UTC, 2pm EST) we’re going to begin our server tests (should nothing interfere). You’ll receive the corresponding…
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Roadmap.

    Quote from BombAway: “Quote from Sterbo: “Hi, I explained what MS1? ” This is the stage.Stage 1 -MS1 EA Stage 2 -MS2 EA Stage 3 -MS3 EA Stage 4 -MS4 EA Each of the stages of early access will be made available in succession. Namely, it will be…
  • Sterbo -

    Replied to the thread Roadmap.

    Hi, I explained what MS1?