
  • Member since Feb 18th 2017
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  • Koala -

    Liked goshawker’s post in the thread Cattle and Crops Alpha Tech-Demo Patch v0.0.9.0.

    Like (Post)
    @masterbrain: Wie siehts mit dem Linuxport aus?
  • Koala -

    Replied to the thread Servertest.

    Quote from Vorrrace: “Quote from Koala: “Quote from Vorrrace: “Quote from Koala: “Okay, you have got to be kidding. I have backed this project in the hope that for once Linux users wouldn't be second class but rather equal to Windows users. How…
  • Koala -

    Replied to the thread Servertest.

    Quote from Vorrrace: “Quote from Koala: “Okay, you have got to be kidding. I have backed this project in the hope that for once Linux users wouldn't be second class but rather equal to Windows users. How is this going to continue? Will Linux users…
  • Koala -

    Replied to the thread Servertest.

    Okay, you have got to be kidding. I have backed this project in the hope that for once Linux users wouldn't be second class but rather equal to Windows users. How is this going to continue? Will Linux users have to wait for new versions even when Windows…
  • Koala -

    Replied to the thread Will be the mods protected/encrypted?.

    Quote from Vanquish081: “Hello, I would like to know if the mods can be protected so that only the author can edit and update them. ” Out of curiosity, what would be the point of that? I associate "protecting" software with obfuscation, which in turn…
  • Koala -

    Replied to the thread Welche Fruchtsorten und ähnliches wünscht ihr euch?.

    Weinbau wünsche ich mir auch schon, seit ich LS kenne (und an der Mosel wohne). Aus meiner Küche gucke ich direkt auf einen Weinberg und träume jedes Mal davon, das zumindest im Spiel einmal nachzumachen. Obstgärten wären ebenfalls fantastisch,…
  • Koala -

    Replied to the thread Wie habt ihr Cattle and Crops kennengelernt?.

    Mich hat es hierher über das Steam-Forum von LS17 verschlagen. Dort ging es in einem Thread um die Linux-Unterstützung von LS17, die praktisch nicht vorhanden ist, nicht einmal über Wine. In einem Beitrag wies ein Benutzer auf CnC hin, also habe ich…