
KS silver
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  • from Angeln
  • Member since Feb 8th 2017
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  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Tech-Demo Release v0.0.9.8 - Changelog.

    Quote from JavitoGP: “Communication with the community is very important. But MBB lacks that. Do not forget, that the salary you have is thanks to the donations from the community. ” Well, except for the money they raised with other inverstors or…
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Zur derzeitigen Diskussion im Thema: Tech-Demo Release v0.0.9.6 - Changelog.

    Quote from Sirius 22: “tgs_wort Was ist eine Menge ihrer bereits falschen Pläne! ” Mal rein interessehalber. Darf ich fragen, was deine Muttersprache ist? Wenn man alleine mit Google-Translate arbeitet, gehen viele sprachliche Nuancen verloren.
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Early Access: Der aktuelle Status.

    Quote from Nabi: “Quote from DrPhibes: “GPS-Weizen soll es tatsächlich geben... ” Wird aber in der Regel nicht mit dem Orbis geerntet. ” Ich habe hier schon verrücktere Dinge gesehen biggrin.png
  • DrPhibes -

    Liked Nabi’s post in the thread Early Access: Der aktuelle Status.

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    Quote from DrPhibes: “GPS-Weizen soll es tatsächlich geben... ” Wird aber in der Regel nicht mit dem Orbis geerntet.
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Early Access: Der aktuelle Status.

    Quote from Florian1986: “Ein Häcksler im Weizenfeld? ?( :D Spaß, das Bild hat was und lässt die Gedanken kreisen! Schönes Wochenende allen :) ” GPS-Weizen soll es tatsächlich geben...
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Infos zum Thema Häcksel-Update (

    Softwareentwicklung ist ein fortlaufender Prozess. Man programmiert keine Module fertig, lässt die drei Jahre lange liegen und aktiviert die dann irgendwann einfach wieder.
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Beschwerde.

    Dir ist aber schon klar, das die Situation tendenziell nicht besser wird, wenn mann dann noch solche Mecker-Threads öffnet, oder?
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread What do you think of the tech demo?.

    Quote from mmmBetty: “Quote from Taco29: “@mmmBetty I think if they were able to publish a game in a much better state they would have done so. ” In my opinion I highly doubt it. Why would they release a version that is pretty much EA early when they…
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread What are some of your favourite games?.

    Quote from mmmBetty: “@DrPhibes so it has steam workshop? I like little games like that which are improved greatly by use of workshop mods. Or is it more like FS style mods? ” Right now it uses its own modhub that is fully integrated into the game. But…
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread What are some of your favourite games?.

    Quote from Tenevie: “Quote from mmmBetty: “I gotta try factorio @Tenevie, heard its pretty good fun. ” It sure is, I have almost 1200 hours in that game alone... And still enjoying it. But learning curve seems pretty hard. Just have fun :) ” I really…
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Are you getting MBB launcher or steam key - Poll.

    Quote from OlaHaldor: “I don't see how Steam restricts the availability of mods. ” Au contraire, as a dev you even have the option to integrate the whole mod hub using Steam Workshop if you want.
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Impressionen aus unserer "Default Map".

    Quote from DerMatze: “Quote from Osi: “Den lobenden Worten kann ich nur zustimmen! :thumbsup: Aber ich habe auch etwas Kritik. Die vielen Büsche sehen ja toll aus und machen das Gesamtbild schön, aber ich hoffe wirklich, dass man die Büsche auch entfernen…
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Unentschlossen.

    Quote from Bauer Hannsen: “ Ich stamme halt aus der Zeit der mit Programmen bespielten Musikkasetten respektive der Lochkarten (Wehe, jetzt rechnet einer mein Alter laut vor aufgrund der Informationen!). ” Wobei man dazu sagen muss, dass es zu der…
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread IDEAS and WISHES for the game.

    Quote from Nybyggarn: “now i Will go off the rails again. But a system like my Summer car would be a bit cool. So you u have too sleep, eat, shower and such. For this you get more expenses and you won't sitt around just waiting as much ☺️ another…
  • DrPhibes -

    Liked Luffi’s post in the thread Early Access: Der aktuelle Status.

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    Quote from Luffi: “ ”
  • DrPhibes -

    Liked b101uk’s post in the thread Dear Masterbrainbytes.

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    Quote from ChiloopaBatman: “Quote from b101uk: “much ado about nothing..... :rolleyes: ” That's such a cognitive bias thing to say! You might not care, we are some that do, please be respectful about that. So please keep you snotty remarks to yourself in the…
  • DrPhibes -

    Liked b101uk’s post in the thread Dear Masterbrainbytes.

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    much ado about nothing..... :rolleyes:
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Dear Masterbrainbytes.

    Quote from Johndeere167: “Quote from DrPhibes: “Quote from Johndeere167: “@masterbrain was just online and their last activity was reading this thread, so let's see if they listened to our frustrations. @Memphis has also been online for some time now…
  • DrPhibes -

    Liked Johndeere167’s post in the thread Dear Masterbrainbytes.

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    Quote from DrPhibes: “Quote from Johndeere167: “@masterbrain was just online and their last activity was reading this thread, so let's see if they listened to our frustrations. @Memphis has also been online for some time now but with no comment for…
  • DrPhibes -

    Replied to the thread Speculation on ingame Brands.

    I'm always for more variety. But yeah, an official appearance is doubtful since they seem to focus on German farming at this stage. And that first "thing" is most definitely not road legal here :D