Dairy farming in CnC?

    • Dairy farming in CnC?

      Hoping for a more indepth dairy farming. Maybe not att release but maybe in a free expansion?

      Long version

      So from what i can see there is not much info on Dairy farming in either videos or anything they have posted. This give me the belief that we will not get it at release but hoppfully it Will come as a free expansion later?

      What i would like to see in it would be manual milking (If you don't buy the expensive automatic milking machine) and that you'll have too milk the Cows regulary or they get ill. It would also be cool too have different sizes of stalls and a max count of cows for each One. The different stalls would have different kind of uppgrades you can do too them. (For exampel: a "medium" size can have an automatic feeding system like This or/and a milking system like this. Wile the large ones can have automatic milking machines and more sofisticated stuff and smaller ones less hightec stuff)

      During the Winter you bring the Cows inside and natrually you'll have too feed them more. (hoppfully you got enough of silage during summer too last it out or you'll have too buy from nearby farmers).

      I really feel a lack of depth in dairy farming in fs17 and I'm hoping this game eventually will bring it! Probably tons of Idéas around this topic but i would Love to have av disscusion around it because dairy farming is not the same around the globe!